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McClain County July 2017 Safe Room Grant Application McClain County does currently have an application pending to do a safe room rebate project. At this time, the grant has been approved by the state and waiting on approval from FEMA. FEMA is still waiting on some of the review letters before they approve the grant.
FEMA Safe Room Rebates FEMA through Oklahoma Emergency Management offers a grant under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program to assist individuals with the cost of purchasing and having a safe room installed. Both above or below ground safe rooms, known to some as a shelter, are eligible under this grant if they meet design and
All pertinent information on the application will need to be filled out, signed, and notarized. Also, include a detailed map of the area with markings showing where the work will be done. A Certificate of Insurance will also need to be attached. A check in the amount of $1,000.00 (for each permit) will need to
McClain County Mass Notification System by Everbridge The McClain County Mass Notification System by Everbridge is the primary system used by McClain County and the communities of Blanchard, Byars, Cole, Dibble, Goldsby, Rosedale, Washington, and Wayne. This service is provided for free to residents of McClain County and is paid for by the participating communities,